Medical innovations
20 Results
Solar Powered Thermometer
A new solar powered armband serves as a thermometer that notifies you when your temperature rises above or falls below a certain level. It can also be changed to measure other vital s…
Ebola Death Rate Variation
Researchers have found that the Ebola death rate varies by the ages of the infected individuals. They found that younger children are more likelly to die than older children and adult…
Superhealing Medicine!
Scientists have discovered a new medicine that can speed up the healing time for a wound! the medicine is released in nanoparticles, and it can be used on many different types of wounds!
Ebola Vaccine
The article describes a new Ebola vaccine that has been working correctly and showing positive responses. This could lead to a working vaccine that can cure tons of people!
Arts and Crafts Protect From Dementia
The article describes how arts and crafts can help prevent thinking and memory problems in middle aged people. This is helpful information as it provides help for future studies!
Sleep Disorder Linked to Parkinsons Disease
There is a rare sleeping disorder, RBD, that has been linked with Parkinson's Disease. The sleeping disorder, RBD, makes people act out their dreams, and studies have shown that nearl…
Blue Bell and Listeria
The article describes the recent Blue Bell listeria scare. It describes what listeria is and how it may affect people. It also describes the conditions in which listeria thrives.
New Cancer Technology
The article describes a new cancer technology. The new device is able to inject multiple medications into a tumor. Then, the doctors are able to see which medications helped the patie…
What is Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest the main sugar found in milk and dairy products. It can result from genetics, surgery, illnesses, or injuries to the small intestine.
Smart Bandages
The article describes how scientists and engineers are working on new, smart bandages! These bandages will be able to monitor and treat wounds. They will communicate wirelessly to oth…
Genetically Modified Humans
The article describes how researchers in China tried to genetically modify embryos to change a gene that caused a fatal blood disorder. This brought up the issue of ethics and risks a…
NIH to Ban DNA Editing
The article describes how the National Institute of Health believes there should be a ban on DNA editing in human embryos. They are concerned about the safety and ethical implications…
Cancer Death Rate Decrease
The article describes how and why the cancer death rate has decreased 1% per year worldwide! Some cancers have increased, but the overall death rate has decreased!
4D Implants
Doctors used a 4D implant to save 3 babies with breathing problems. The implant was made of material that dissolved into the body with time, and it also grew as the children grew.
Lab Worker Mishap
A lab worker was working with a virus similar to the smallpox virus. To prevent possible accidents, he got the smallpox vaccine, but he accidentally injected himself with the virus he…
Deadly Cancers
The article describes how there are many lesser-known forms of cancer that are deadly. Head and neck cancers affect many people, but not many know about them or how to prevent them!
Electronic Skin
What if you could wear a "tattoo" that is smaller than a postage stamp that records your temperature, muscle motion, and the electronic activity on your skin? Then, what if that data…
Printed Prosthetic
A new and effective means of producing prosthetic limbs has emerged. A student at the University of North Carolina has created a prosthetic hand by using a 3D printer. The hope is tha…
New Polio-like Virus
The article describes a new virus that is affecting kids and giving them polio-like symptoms. The virus struck last year, but most affected kids still have the symptoms.
Your Face Reveals Your Internal Age
There is new technology being developed that will scan your face and tell you how old your body really is. This will allow for doctors to tell patients how quick internal aging can be…