20 Results
Robots Designed by High School Students Compete in FIRST District Competition at Kettering University
High school students competed in an intense robotics competition at Kettering University. Right before the end of the match, each robot was to deploy a "minibot" that had to climb a 1…
Combo-Cracking Robot Makes Quick Work of Padlocks
A group of college students created a robot that can solve a combination lock! They created a nice user interface program to go along with it so that people can easily understand how …
Japan Earthquake: Robots Help
The earthquake that shook Japan in early March 2011 was an absolute tragedy and many survivors were left trapped under rumble and debris. These robots were deployed to help rescue tea…
Google Robotic Cars on California Highways
Ever seen a car without a driver on the highway? Google has created a robotic car!
These $10 Robots Will Change Robotics Education
What if you could build a robot for less than $10? In this article, our students can learn about people who designed cheap but cool robots to help people all over the world have more…
The Real Wall-E
Wall-E from the movie comes to life! Check it out!
Robotic Dog
There are a lot of advanced robots out there that look and even act like animals. Check out this video of a robotic dog to see it for yourself and share it with the kdis in your life!
Man Controls Robotic Hand with Mind
This video shows kids how technology can impact the life of an amputee.
GM and NASA Take a Giant Leap in Robotic Technology
See GM and Nasa's robot in action!
Disney Ultimate Buzz Lightyear Robot
Love Buzz Lightyear? Watch this video and see this robot work!
Sony Rolly in Motion
This video shows how a simple robot can movie to sounds and music.
This video show a robot playing table tennis with a human.
Justin The German Ball-Catching Robot
This video shows kids how complex a simple task such as catching a ball truly is. This video also show the advancement of robots and how they could potentially be a part of our daily …
Shape-Shifting Robot Mannequin
This robot takes online shopping to a new level. With the abilty to change shape into your body measurements kids and adults will be able to see how clothes will fit despite shopping …
Whoa! Mini-Supernovas Discovered
Children can learn how scientists have discovered mini super novas! Read to find all the facts!
Steer a spaceship with your brain? Its a thought
Children can learn about how humans could potentially control spaceships with their minds!
Mars Curiosity Rover Mission Animation
Find out what big plans are in store for the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) through this exciting animation. Watch it fly through space, descend onto the surface of the re…
First-Ever Photos of Space Shuttle Docked at Space Station
In this article students will learn why the first ever photos of the Space Shuttle docked at the International Space Station weren't taken until 2011.
A New Look at Newtons Second Law Could Explain Away the Existence of Dark Matter
Is dark matter for real? Read one scientist's take on it in this article.
Milestones in Space Photography
In this collection from National Geographic, your students can see some of the most magnificent images of space and learn about when they were taken.