5 Results
Sam Houston Area Council: Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts of America seeks to "prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes," and offers lots of activities, events, and camps. Find out how you can plug your students into a local Boy Scouts troop!
Boy Scouts of America - San Francisco Bay Area Council
The Boys scouts provides an invaluable experience that every boy should have! Join today to develop life time skills such as leadership and make friends that will last a lifetime! You will also get to learn about science in more ways than one!
YMCA of San Francisco
The YMCA is a place where bonding occurs! There are numerous opportunities to take advantage of what the YMCA offers to interact with science! The many camps that the YMCA offers are only one of these opportunities!
Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine
For Adults or kids this is a great way to be part of the community! Come make a difference on your community as volunteer or girl scout with these awesome Arizona Cactus Pine!
Association For Women in Science
The Central Arizona Chapter of Association for Women in Science is dedicated to support and inspire advancement of women and girls in STEM professional fields. They hold regular lunches, workshops, speakers, and outreach events to get involved and build a community among women.