20 Results
Pollution May Harm the Brain
The article describes how inhaling polluted air causes damage to the brain. It can lead to cognitive impairment, and it can ultimately shrink your brain!
New Dinosaur!
A seven year old boy found the fossil of a T-Rex's cousin! This cousin lived alongside the T-Rex, but unlike the T-Rex, this new dinosaur only ate plants!
Nepal Earthquake
There were huge earthquakes in Nepal this past weekend. The epicenter was 50 miles away from the capital city, but the capital was hit really hard. Scientists are saying, however, the…
Pocket Sharks
There was another sighting of a small pocket shark! The shark is tiny, only about 5.5 inches long, and it could definitely fit into your pocket!
The Craziest Farms in the World
The article describes the six craziest farms in the world! It explains each farm and why it is the way it is!
Earth Day Plans
The article discusses how President Obama and Bill Nye the Science Guy went to the Everglades on Earth Day this past week. They went to discuss the need to act on climate!
Coding for Careers
The ability to code is necessary to get a good job in society today. A teacher in Washington created a coding class for her students, and that course is being spread to the entire reg…
NIH to Ban DNA Editing
The article describes how the National Institute of Health believes there should be a ban on DNA editing in human embryos. They are concerned about the safety and ethical implications…
Cancer Death Rate Decrease
The article describes how and why the cancer death rate has decreased 1% per year worldwide! Some cancers have increased, but the overall death rate has decreased!
Math and Poetry
It's National Poetry Month, and it's also Math Awareness Month. These activities are perfect for both as they connect math to Shel Silverstein poetry!
What is Visible Light?
The article describes visible light. It discusses how visible light depends on the colors that we see as well. It goes into detail about different colors and waves.
What are Mitochondria?
The article describes the specialized organelle, the mitochondria. It goes on an in depth analysis about the structure and the function.
Chipotle Banned GMO Foods
Chipotle removed GMO foods from their menu. Genetically modified foods do not have any more risks than conventionally grown products, but the restaurant still decided to remove them.
4D Implants
Doctors used a 4D implant to save 3 babies with breathing problems. The implant was made of material that dissolved into the body with time, and it also grew as the children grew.
Colorado Plague Outbreak
The article describes how four people in Colorado have been diagnosed with a disease similar to the bubonic plague. They were diagnosed with the pneumonic plague.
Lab Worker Mishap
A lab worker was working with a virus similar to the smallpox virus. To prevent possible accidents, he got the smallpox vaccine, but he accidentally injected himself with the virus he…
Twins Separate in Space and on Earth
The article describes how one twin from a set of twins is an astronaut and will be going up into space for a year. The other twin will remain on Earth, and both will be compared throu…
Study Breaks
The article describes how you should take 15 minute breaks when you study. If you complete an active task during those 15 minutes, it helps you retain more information and stops your …
Spring in the Desert
The article describes what spring looks like in the desert!
Deadly Cancers
The article describes how there are many lesser-known forms of cancer that are deadly. Head and neck cancers affect many people, but not many know about them or how to prevent them!