20 Results
Fake Sugar in the Ocean
The article describes how artificial sweeteners are being consumed and how they are ending up in the ocean. This is proving to be harmful to the environment!
Spider Diets
The article describes how spiders eat veggies along with insects. Learn more about how and why now!
Teeth Cleaning Pain
Getting your teeth cleaned is painful, but scientists and engineers are trying to come up with new solutions to help create a new device to clean your teeth less painfully!
Rescuer Drones
The article describes how if you're ever lost in the woods, you might be able to be found by a rescue drone!
Purple Limes
The article describes how scientists were able to genetically engineer limes to be purple on the inside. By being purple, the limes are more appealing to the eye, and this also increa…
House Bugs
Bugs live inside your house, and you probably don't know about them! Learn more about what and how!
FM Radio Norway Shutdown
The article describes how Norway is getting rid of FM radio in 2017. Despite getting rid of FM radio, Norway is not getting rid of the radio altogether. They are simply switching to d…
El Nino and Reefs
The article describes how El Nino's affects on the weather affected reefs!
Diamonds Harder than Diamonds
The article describes how scientists used lasers to turn graphite into diamond into lonsdaleite!
Dirty Air and Obesity
The article describes how dirty air is not only bad for obvious reasons, but it also boosts the risk of obesity!
Counting the fish in the sea
Children will learn how scientists record sea creatures. They will use this method in this activity.
Ponds Freeze in the Winter-Why not the Ocean?
Why do ponds freeze in the winter? Children can explore this question through this fun activity.
Virtual Hip Replacement Surgery
When bones begin to breakdown, they can cause great pain and discomfort. See if you can be a surgeon and perform this vitrual hip replacement surgery!
Lizard Trainer
The article describes how a biologist can study lots of different things. The focus of the article, however, was on Jerry Husak and how he was studying the affects of exercise on animals!
Obesity Scientist
Some scientists focus on helping people battle obesity! They conduct research and studies to provide results to help people become more aware of what they should do and how they shoul…
Pet Scientist
The article describes how you can be a pet scientist and work with animals! You don't necessarily have to be a vet to work with animals!
Black Hole Smashup
The article describes the black hole collision and how it sent out yottawatts of power. It then goes on to explain what a yottawatt is!
2016 Tropical Storms and Hurricanes
The article describes the tropical storms and hurricanes of 2016! Students will learn how they formed, what they looked like, and details about each of the storms!
Recording the Past
The article describes a hands-free wearable camera that allows people to save video footage after an event has already happened!
Another Massive Reef
The article describes how there is another massive reef behind Great Barrier Reef! This proves how scientists are still exploring and discovering new things!